Lapsed Members-They’re Just Not That Into You
I frequently hear congregations say “If we could just get some of the folks who used to attend coming back, we’d be all right” or other words to that effect. The idea is that lapsed members will be the easiest to coax to church and so the best way to grow a congregation.
While there are always exceptions, the truth is quite the opposite. People who left your congregation for some cause are the least likely folks to pack the pews once more. It’s better to come to terms with the fact that they know what your church has to offer and they are not interested. This is not to say that one should scratch those who do not attend off your list and do nothing to let lapsed members know what is going on. Instead, I want to make clear that this group is not your primary target for invitation. Communicate with lapsed members, but do not base a strategy for growth around bringing them back.
The easiest group to reach are those who are involved in some activity at the church who do not yet attend. These include Food Pantry or Girl Scout volunteers, those who take part in a Mothers’ Morning Out and so on. These programs offer side door to the church. They are accustomed to coming to your building, now you just need to find intentional ways to make the invitation. This can be a Scout Sunday service, a cookout with volunteers invited to attend, or a straightforward invitation to the Christmas or Easter services.
The next easiest group to reach is the family, friends and co-workers of current members. Those who do not now have a church, who discover someone they know goes to the church and likes it, are likely to give the congregation a try.
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A final group to mention is the importance of making an invitation to those who are new to the area and shopping for a church. These can be reached by direct mail to new changes of address or door hangers (an example is pictured at right) on newly sold homes.
Every congregation should think about how to encourage those who now attend to invite new people to come share the joy of worshipping. Instead of wishing the old faithful would return, try reaching out to new people. Not only is it more likely to work, finding new folks is also a part of fulfilling our Lord’s Great Commission to go to all the world and make disciples.
The Rev. Canon Frank Logue
Canon for Congregational Ministries
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